Poetry Meets AI: Storing Haikus with SQLite in Your Python Flask App
In the previous article, we built our AI Haiku Generator web app using Python Flask in the backend. And HTML, CSS, and Javascript in the frontend.
In the previous article, we built our AI Haiku Generator web app using Python Flask in the backend. And HTML, CSS, and Javascript in the frontend.
We will be creating a web app, which will help the user input a theme. And the AI will generate a haiku poem based on the theme.
Once you have your backend code fully coded and pushed to GitHub. Now it's time to deploy to production and make the project live.
We will start by visiting render.com, and creating an account.
Once we have our PostgreSQL database running on CloudSQL, with the flag cloudsql.iam_authentication set to on.
Start by running your Docker Desktop application.
Our Express app is a very simple API that listens on port 3000. And has a single endpoint of root, which returns a JSON message of Hello World.
We will deploy the discord bot we created in our previous article. Railway gives a seamless deployment experience.
A Discord bot that can help you create Github issues from the Discord chat via Slash Commands, let's begin.
A Discord bot that can help you create Github issues from the Discord chat, let's begin.
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A typical day in my work life has emotions ranging from excitement to having self-doubts. It starts with me approaching the work with all excitement.